**This is NOT the registration page for the awards gala! That is a separate registration that is located here.**
The annual MAX! Awards are a centerpiece of WCFHBA's Cape Fear New Home Sales & Marketing Council (SMC). "MAX!" stands for "marketing achievement excellence," and these awards recognize outstanding WCFHBA member achievements in over 30 award categories. Winning a coveted MAX! Award trophy (and bragging rights, of course) is a great way to highlight the quality service you provide and enhance your company's professional reputation.
Are you the best of the best? You and your team work hard to not just meet but exceed your business goals. Let them know their hard work is appreciated, and don't let your accomplishments go unnoticed. Submit your MAX! Award entries today!
*In the past, the Million Dollar Circle recognition awards have counted towards the Little Red Wagon Award (advertising certificate awarded to the company who has won the most awards for the year). The SMC Executive Committee has decided upon further inspection and discussion that the Million Dollar Circle awards will no longer count for the Little Red Wagon. Only competition-based categories will be included in the final counts when determining the winner of the Little Red Wagon. Thank you for understanding, and please feel free to reach out with any questions.
Tuesday Dec 5, 2023 Friday Feb 9, 2024
Entries are due EOD February 9th.
Submit entries electronically to elizabeth@wilmhba.org. Further details are available in the entry packet.
Entries are $100 each. For every five entries purchased, receive a sixth entry free!
Category 19 is free to enter and does NOT qualify for the “buy five, get one” promotion.
All entry materials and entry payments are due by end of day February 9, 2024.
Elizabeth Clark
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Printed courtesy of www.wcfhba.org/ – Contact the Wilmington-Cape Fear Home Builders Association for more information.
3801-5 Wrightsville Ave., Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 – 9107992611 – cameron@wilmhba.org